Wednesday, January 02, 2008

1st Day in Nursery

It's my 1st day in the nursery today. Mummy took half day leave to accompany me to school. She started waking me up from 8am and it took mummy and Ah Ma almost 45 minutes to get me all ready to school. I refused to put on the new uniform and wanted to wear the old orange school tee. Mummy said now I have grown up so there's need to change to a school for bigger kids and therefore the new blue uniform.

I'm quite happy with the new school as there were lots of toys in the classroom. My new teacher is Teacher Felicia. I also have 5 familiar faces with me in the same class, there are Pearlyn, Grace, Kai Ling, Richard and Oliver. We were all classroom in Joyhouse Montessori. Hehe... During the snack time, the 6 of us all just "group" ourselves together and sat at the same table.

I didn't cry today and I just stare blankly at the the little boy and the malay gal who cried for Mummy. Mummy left the classroom after 1 hr and peep at me from the window.

Time passed so fast and before I know 3 hrs have passed and it's time to go home!

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