Saturday, January 19, 2008

My neat freak Mummy!

When the pictures of "Rumah Tinngi Warehouse" were posted, 老姨 called Mummy and asked if that was my house in sembawang! 老姨 didn't read the wordings but just quickly glance through the pictures. 老姨, how could that be??? It will never happen to my sembawang house or bishan Ah Ma house. Though the "standard" in bishan Ah Ma house has dropped ever since I was born but then again it will never drop to "Rumah Tinggi Warehouse" that level of standard.

This is my room. The baby cot is temporary stationed in my room till baby is born. Hehe.. Sorry 妹妹, u got to use my old cot cos Papa didn't want to sell it away.

This is Mummy & Papa's room. I'm sleeping on the blue little twin stars mattress. There are 2 mattress leh! One is about 2.5" and the other is about 3". Mummy has tested on the mattress to make sure that it's comfortable. I will be "upgraded" to sleep in my own room on the bed when 妹妹 is born, as that baby cot will be placed beside the bed. *Sob Sob*

And finally the study room. Mummy still find the study room a bit messy with all those things(to be exact, Papa's things) hanging around on the table. Mummy has been nagging Papa to clear all those things but the reply she get is "I need to use those things!" *Sigh*

Well, let me include the pictures of "Rumah Tinggi Warehouse" again for your easy comparision!

"Rumah Tinggi Warehouse" Study Room

"Rumah Tinggi Warehouse" Papa's ex bedroom.

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